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These mirrors are the best  quality you can buy! Nothing comes close!
We use superior glass ! Very Expensive! But the results are what its all about!
Don't take a chance on Chinese  suppliers who have the worst service on the planet! Most of them don't know whats fit USA trucks! 
You will loose  5 days of your life retuning them!
You have  qustions i have answers, I speak English!
These Direct Replacement side towing mirror comes as full replacements with plug & play wires and nuts for quick installation. The flat mirror is fully electric for regular driving, and the convex mirror allows a broader vision. Dynamic indicator indicates the desired turn direction to other drivers (dynamic indicator on the towing mirror will not work properly if the vehicle is installed with aftermarket headlights). Made of ultra tough ABS housing & aluminum base, this towing mirror features all-weather performance against any harsh road conditions.
There is no camera  built in these mirrors!
Lets get started limited supply! 
Here are some installed pictures,! from another happy customer




2022-24 Toyota Tundra Towing Mirrors


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